Open 2 hours prior to showtimes and during shows

The BackStage Art Gallery space also provides performance space for shows and literary events.
This space makes for an intimate venue space for small gatherings, conferences and receptions.

Art Gallery

Artist Reception

Saturday June 14th at 6:30 PM
Food and Drinks will be served.

Mix with our local artists in our gallery and Salt Lick Cabaret space at 6:30 PM 

With James Paruk on Guitar


2024 Art Gallery Show

Painting by Karen Pettengill

2024 Art Gallery

Studio ghosts

Our 2024 Season Artists


“When you’re in the studio painting, there are a lot of people there with you – your teachers, friends, painters from history, critics… and one by one, if you’re really painting, they walk out. And if you’re really painting, YOU walk out.” Philip Guston
In simpler terms it’s called getting into the “zone” and applies to all creative types. A sculptor sees an image emerge from a block of stone before she raises a chisel. An actor becomes one with the character he portrays and perfectly mimics voice and mannerisms. A dancer embodies the beat and rhythm of music that stirs her to spin and leap. This intangible experience comes with a private muse that whispers instructions to the artist.
As a painter, I can attest to this and as Curator for Deertrees Theatre I look for evidence of the phenomenon in other people’s work. It takes passion and courage to show your work to the public but the artist’s desire to express how they see the world is a powerful thing. A variety of mediums are included in this year’s show, paintings, fiber, wood, ceramic, and metal.
How does a creative person choose the medium of expression? Continued experimentation, practice and the overwhelming desire to communicate are motives for non-verbal creativity. An artist or craftsperson chooses a medium that aligns with the ideas she/he wishes to convey using specific techniques and effects. Sometimes a brush swishing through wet paint, a carving tool tapping into stone, or a blow torch melting metal feels just-right, making the process as important as the idea.
It is exciting to find so many artists and craftspeople in this region and especially to have them exhibit their work in our gallery for the summer. Local art festivals are my go-to places, Bridgton, Norway, the New Suncook School Show in Lovell are feasts for the eyes and soul. Talented artists and craftspeople are all around us. The zone is a fine place to be.
Our show runs from the middle of June until the theatre closes in September. Artwork is on display to be viewed two hours prior, and after performances. Art may also be shown by appointment through the summer and will be for sale. The Artist Reception is open to the public at 6:30 in the evening of June 15, and we would love to see you there.

Karen Pettengill – Curator
Deertrees Theater Gallery
Harrison, Maine

2024 Artists

Willow Hill Craftworks – wood, laser cut animals, maps.
Mari Dieumegard – painter, children’s book illustrator
Ann Williams – textiles, wall pieces, clothing
Phil Metcalf – painter, photographer 
Karen Schroeder Daniels – painter, The Painted Turtle Studio
Tracy Wood – Greener Fields Pottery
David Hursty – photography
Ken Ross – wood turnings 
Joshua Goss – Metal sculptor    – Otisfield
Clint Wilhoit – metal work Polarbear Rocks- Otisfield